Written by Super User. Posted in Articles
Integrating supplements with conventional medicine in pain control and inflammatory body or organ process may give the benefits of both worlds. so by adding the right food supplements we can reduce the side effects of some of the pain kilers and the NSAIDs.
MSM, SAMe Niacinamide,Phenylalaline, In Arthritis, and other inflamatory conditions.
Turmeric-Curcumin In Arthralgia Rheumatoid arthritis,and in many of autoimmune joints pains.controls also the NFKB in neoplastic process. to avoid in people with bile and Gallblader problems.
Resveratrol is a Cox-2 inhibitor, called also "super aspirin",good to all condition treated with anti inflamatory and anal -gastric compounds.
Glucoseamine and Chondriotin in Osteoarthritis.
Many herbs like Devil"s claw,stinging nettle, willow barrk, and boswellia.in arthritis and back pains, andmuscles pains.
Pycnogenol in all condition treated with anti-inflamatory drugs.